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Equipment we recommend.

Over the years STARCO has serviced many brands and have selected these brands for their quality and serviceability when needed, along with great manufacturer support.

Burnham Boilers

We have over the years found that Burnham Boilers have been the best choice for our customers with a quality product that keeps system efficiency high for our customers and easy to service when needed.

Their PVH8 model is the only boiler that has both top and side cleanouts to keep system efficiency up.

We also install other manufacturer boilers.


UTICA Boilers for Oil or Gas

We also use UTICA boilers for Oil or Gas heating.  They have proven to very reliable with the ability to access parts if necessary, locally or from other distributors if not in our stock room. Another reliable product we sell.

Heil Heating and Air Conditioning

We have over the years found that Heil equipment  have been the best choice for our customers with a quality product at a reasonable price.

A large availability of parts when needed. No one wants to have a problem and then parts are not available locally.

We also install other manufacturer heating and air conditioning equipment.


Fujitsu Ductless Air Conditioning/Heat Pumps

We have been using Fujitsu Ductless systems since they came out over 15 years ago.

Their reputation for a quality product  has proven itself over the years with only one service call for the many installations we have done only proves that they are a reliable, proven product for our customers.

They also have been rated as the HIGHEST efficiency ductless system in the US.  With over 600 speeds, not one like a conventional system, they are very, very efficient and quiet.

Please call STARCO as we can explain and discuss if this is a viable solution to your home comfort needs.

Also they give you heat and have some applications where they are the only heat for the area they service.  An added plus for our customers as they can take off the chill in the Spring and Fall mornings or evenings without turning up your whole home heat.

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